Sunday, March 21, 2010

My first few weeks - Jean

It has been 24 days since I arrived back in Haiti, and I have fallen in love all over again. I find myself greatly humbled by God's perfect timing. When I was back in the States for about six months, I remained patient for God's call to come back down. When I arrived, I knew the exact reason why I was asked to wait. God knew that a very special young boy would be brought to Danita's Children after the earthquake, and He planted a seed of love in my heart for his son, Jean.

A couple weeks before I came to Haiti, one of the missionaries had posted a picture of Jean on Facebook. He was a tiny little thing with braids lying in a wheelbarrow sleeping. My best friend, Andrea, was sitting by me when I saw the picture and I looked to her and simply stated, "I want to take care of him."

I crossed the border of Haiti on Friday, February 26th and could not wait to meet the new children from Port-au-Prince, especially little Jean. He was in the cafeteria when I was eating lunch, and I felt instantly drawn to him. Jean has this very quiet and sweet presence about him, and he is just precious! His eyelashes are perfectly curled, and when you look through his dark brown eyes there is this innocence that will melt anyone's heart (I know it has mine!)

Jean has spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy, and is completely dependent at this point of his life, but he offers more to me than I could ever give him. He reminds me of how precious the little things in life are, and to never take anything for granted. I thank God every day for giving me the opportunity and blessing to care for little Jean. It is truly a privilege to be with him every day as I have done nothing to deserve this awesome gift from above!

Jean is one of many amazing children here in Haiti, and I look forward to sharing updates with you on his growth and progress. There are so many children I want you to meet, so in the next coming weeks, I will write more. There are two other special needs children in particular that I want to share with you, Fitson and Denise, so be sure to check back in the coming weeks for their stories!

Love in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Heather,

    I am Leah's mom. I look forward to hearing all about their growth and progress. I can see that you are an amazing match for these precious children. I praise God for the heart He has given you on their behalf.

    God Bless,
